A Clear Trend of Change in Korea's 'Preference for Boys'

In many cultures, having a son is seen as more valuable than having a daughter. This preference for male children is known as the 'preference-for-boys-ism'. The roots of this preference can be traced back to patriarchal societal values and customs, where sons were expected to carry on the family name and lineage. The preference for boys is still prevalent in many countries, including China, Korea and India.

From a Confucian perspective, male predominance over women is widely accepted, and this has resulted in the widespread discrimination and oppression of women. The belief that men are superior to women is deeply ingrained in many cultures, and this has led to the perpetuation of gender inequality.

However, recent statistics indicate a positive shift in this longstanding cultural attitude.

The Sex Ratio at Birth is in the Normal Range

According to the 2022 birth and death statistics, the sex ratio at birth in Korea hit the lowest level since statistics were first compiled in 1990. The total gender ratio of births last year was 104.7, down 0.4 from the previous year. The sex ratio by birth order, including the third and older children, decreased by 1.1 from the previous year, recording 105.4, the lowest since statistics were compiled.

These statistics demonstrate that there has been a clear trend of change in Korea's preference for boys. The mindset of favoring boys and the harmful consequences of using medical technology to distort the sex ratio at birth are gradually becoming things of the past.

Challenges to Overcome

This is a significant step towards gender equality, as we must value all children equally regardless of their gender. It's time to break the idea of male preference and shift our perspective to embrace gender equality. This societal shift will bring about positive change for future generations.

We must continue to recognize and challenge the harmful impact of patriarchal attitudes that perpetuate sexism and inequality. Let's celebrate this trend of change in Korea's preference for boys and continue to work towards a society that values gender equality.

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